
Hunting for a Career? Catch and Release These!

Hunting for a Career? Catch and Release These!

I’m emailed a number of employment announcements every day, possibly because I applied for a job about 30 years ago and an algorithm suggested this singular action might be a trend-in-the-making. That’s soooo wrong.

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Question: What is the State of The Goldman State?

Question: What is the State of The Goldman State?

Every level of government and the private sector is either obligated to deliver an annual report or just likes the opportunity to quote Dickens in the CEO’s introductory letter: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….”

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The Fast and the Curious: Finding One’s Sense of Pace

The Fast and the Curious: Finding One’s Sense of Pace

Lucy Van Pelt, the opinionated little girl in Charles Schulz’s never-been-topped-and-never-will comic strip “Peanuts,” looks looked at a drawing one of the other kids has quickly made and sniffs, “A true work of art takes at least 45 minutes.”

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Puzzled about Common Expressions? Welcome to Our World

Puzzled about Common Expressions? Welcome to Our World

If you learned English as a second language, you are like unto a god to me. I think ours is one of the most perplexing languages in the galaxy, with its limitless supply of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, and oxymorons. But what of our everyday expressions?

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Charisma: More Elusive than Bigfoot

Charisma: More Elusive than Bigfoot

I used to think that having charisma was equivalent to having good hair. This is because the first time I heard the word, when I was nine years old, it was used to describe a trait possessed by the newly elected President John F. Kennedy.

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