
My Son, the Podcaster!

My Son, the Podcaster!

In keeping with my cautious nature— heretofore never-suspected—I’ve finally decided to do a podcast. I hesitated to start one until roughly four million other people had.

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Humor Has It: Laughing Matters

Humor Has It: Laughing Matters

New data is confirming what most of us have long suspected: people who deal in “funny”—as writers, comedians, artists or just appreciative consumers—often live longer lives than those who don’t.

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Your July 4th Glossary, A Day Early

Your July 4th Glossary, A Day Early

“ALL HANDS ON DECK!”—The horrified cry heard at the marina after some very drunk rich guys set off fireworks from the hold of their yacht to describe the visual outcome.

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Do You Enjoy Deadly Pastimes? Which Part?

Do You Enjoy Deadly Pastimes? Which Part?

I like to think of myself as being somewhat open-minded (detractors would say somewhat empty-headed). Yet, try as I might, I’ve never understood the lure of these adrenalin-igniting activities: mountain climbing, sky-diving, racecar driving…

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