
The Time I Went Thataway

The Time I Went Thataway

FADE IN: Among the weirder tales of my young-adult years in Southern California is the time I “doubled” (did a stunt) for an actor. He’d died before he could complete a scene of him jumping out of a barn onto a horse then galloping away, a posse in hot pursuit.

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“Hula” Celebrates a Dance, a Culture and a Novelist’s Dazzling Debut

“Hula” Celebrates a Dance, a Culture and a Novelist’s Dazzling Debut

“Hula,” the dazzling debut novel of Hawaii native and onetime Sacramentan Jasmin Iolani Hakes, is an eye-opener for anyone whose sensibilities about the 50th state were shaped by an Elvis movie (“Blue Hawaii”), TV series (“Hawaiian Eye“ and either version of “Magnum P.I.” and “Hawaii Five-O”). Or even Don Ho (“Tiny Bubbles”).

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At 90, Attorney Joe Coomes Has Plenty on His Plate and Mind

At 90, Attorney Joe Coomes Has Plenty on His Plate and Mind

I get a lot of ideas from Joe Coomes. At 90, Joe is not only my best friend: he’s also my youngest one. This doesn’t mean I have that many BFFs who are older than he is, just that Joe still has a scampishness and intellectual prowess that would be the envy of many in any age group.

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No Contest: It’s All About the Context

No Contest: It’s All About the Context

The late comedian, composer and TV host Steve Allen once marveled at how a viewer saw him at a grocery store and exclaimed excitedly, “What are YOU doing here?!” Allen said he explained he was shopping, making the viewer shake his head in disbelief as if to say, “Now I’ve seen everything!”

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